Home News Oracle will ditch Java browser plugin in September

Oracle will ditch Java browser plugin in September

by Sia

With most browsers these days no longer supporting plug-ins of any kind, Oracle has finally thrown the hat into the ring as the company has announced that it will be discontinuing the Java browser plug-in on the 22nd of September.

In an blogpost made by Oracle, the company has decided to depreciate the Java plug-in in Java Development Kit 9. For developers that are currently still using the programming language, Oracle has told them to look for alternative options. “With modern browser vendors working to restrict and reduce plugin support in their products, developers of applications that rely on the Java browser plugin need to consider alternative options such as migrating from Java Applets (which rely on a browser plugin) to the plugin-free Java Web Start technology,” says the blogpost.

Come September, the plug-in that is known for being a security risk would cease to exist, and to that we say “good riddance”.

Source: OracleZDNet

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