Home News Sony will halt production of the PlayStation 3 within the coming weeks

Sony will halt production of the PlayStation 3 within the coming weeks

by Sia

The PlayStation 3’s lifespan is about to come to an end as it appears that Sony intends to end production and distribution of the console in Japan soon.

According to Gematsu, the official Japanese website for the 500GB model of the PlayStation 3 indicates that shipments of the console are scheduled to end soon. One important thing to note about this announcement is that the 500GB PS3 Slim model is the only PlayStation 3 model in production in Japan. Should the production of this model end, that would mean that Sony has completely halted production of the PlayStation 3.

While Sony itself has yet to reveal a proper cutoff date for the PlayStation 3, a game shop located in Kurume, Fukuoka has mentioned in a tweet that the production of the console will end in March. Assuming this is true, this would mean that Sony would stop producing the PlayStation 3 within the next two weeks.

Source: Gematsu, Sony

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