Home News Get naughty and unlock the Zenfone 2 bootloader

Get naughty and unlock the Zenfone 2 bootloader

by Warren

We are still on our way in reviewing the Zenfone 2 review, our initial impressions are actually great in terms of its performance however we have uninstalled loads of bloatware that comes with the phone and the phone’s battery life isn’t satisfactory either. The folks over at XDA-Developers have actually found out a way to unlock the phone’s bootlaoder, which means we can start expecting ROM cookers start developing some custom ROMs for the powerful and affordable Zenfone 2.

With the Zenfone 2’s bootloader unlocked, it becomes more possible for ROM developers to port software builds and drivers from other brands and cook it into a compatible build of the device, which can eventually lead to better performance and battery life of the phone. XDA-developer user shakala is the one who made it possible and it has been tested by user ravian29 running on the latest original software build.

Of course, in order to get your Zenfone 2’s bootloader unlocked you will have to root your device and make sure you backup anything important as you might lose your data in the middle of modifying the phone’s software, unlocking the bootloader also means that you will not be able to install official ASUS ROM updates. To make life simpler for you folks, here are the links to how you can root and unlock the bootloader of the ZenFone 2, so start getting naughty guys but be safe as always.

Zenfone 2 Root – http://forum.xdadevelopers.com/zenfone2/help/howtoupgradecnversiontowwt3101556
Unlock ZenFone 2 bootloader – http://forum.xdadevelopers.com/zenfone2/general/congratstobootlockerunlockedt3138547

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