Home Features Five reasons I’m buying the new iPod Touch

Five reasons I’m buying the new iPod Touch

by Warren

all me an Apple fan, iFag or whatever you name it, because the iPod touch is the next thing that I’m going to buy once the 4-5 week shipping wait is over. We reported a few weeks back that Cupertino have been prepping for a silent iPod product update when the new iTunes update shows new colors of the company’s music player, and it has finally happened, the sixth generationiPod touch has gotten a major internal revamp from its predecessor – a spanking new A8 processor, improved 8-megapixel iSight main and HD FaceTime camera, and up to 128GB of storage.

I used to own a third generation iPod touch 32GB back in the iPhone 3GS days and I absolutely love how easy it is to use and not requiring to spend that much of cash to buy an iPhone to enjoy Apple’s fluid mobile operating system. Today, I own an iPhone6 and iPad Air, so literally I’m already a fanboy but speaking from a tech enthusiast point of view, I’m telling you why the iPodtouch is still relevant even for non-Apple users.

Its the most affordable and portable iOS device

Starting from the price of RM779 for the 16GB model and up to RM1599 for the 128GB model, the iPod touch is the most affordable iOS device that packs with the most current hardware from Apple, the most expensive model barely gets you aniPhone 6 or the 64GB model of the iPad mini 3 that comes with a dated Apple A7 processor. All thanks to the A8 processor, you should be able to enjoy the same performance that iPhone 6 users have been experiencing, play the most graphics intensive games and have the same software update roadmap with the iPhone 6.

One handed usability matters

The iPhone 6 is a great phone and Apple has finally gave it a bigger display, however not everyone is happy with Apple’s move and have chosen to stay put with the iPhone 5s due to one handed usability. The iPod touch’s 4-inch display will make it all up to people who have decided to skip the company’s latest smartphone but still be able to enjoy the most current hardware performance from Apple without spending a bomb, most importantly the size and weight will not strain your hands.

A perfect point and shoot companion

The iPod touch features the very same 8-megapixel iSight camera with an f/2.4 aperture found on the previous generation iPod touch, coupled with the amount of photography and image editing apps on iOS, this means taking great pictures and editing them on the go will become more affordable and portable, and if you have other Apple devices, your photos can be synchronized across Photo Stream after you finish taking them.

Never worry about smartphone battery life

Battery life has always been a problem most smartphones and that battery drain can always be attributed to heavy gaming or multimedia consumption, the iPod touch is made to handle these tasks and your iPhone’s battery will probably last longer by the day once you have two different devices doing different tasks. Even if your iPod’s battery is dead, you don’t need to be worried as much as having your phone’s battery dead, and act like how this woman scream in the subway.

The iPod touch makes storage really cheap

Believe me when I’m getting the iPod touch, I’m going straight for the 128GB model because it is extremely affordable at a mere RM12.33/GB, making cloud services look expensive, some smartphones with 16GB storage stupid, and a bummer for those who needs to pay RM1000 more to enjoy cellular functionality. I could store so a whole lot of Apple Music offline streams, my collection of HD movies and e-Books. Just to remind you one more time, you are not just buying storage, but a device that can run apps, games and does so many other things.

Are you buying the new iPod touch or do you have other choices? Share with us in the comments.

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