Home News Apple will be kicking off WWDC 2015 on June 8, time for a new iPad?

Apple will be kicking off WWDC 2015 on June 8, time for a new iPad?

by Warren

The great PR folks at Apple are kind enough to send over a press release to tip us on WWDC 2015 (Worldwide Developers’ Conference) which is set to happen on 8 June through 12 June at San Francisco’s Moscone West, while we would like to attend or to be sponsored there, interested Apple developers can apply for tickets now and Apple will fortunately live stream the event once again.

In our case, the most important part of the event is definitely the company’s new product and operating system update, while we should be expecting the next iOS to be announced or improvements to the currents SDKs (software development kit), the iPad is now due for an update after a year of release by then. According to past rumors we should be expecting Apple to release theiPad Pro which will make multitasking easier and have a larger 12.2-inch display. On the other hand, there will be 100 technical sessions presented by engineers through out the period for developers to develop apps for the company’s products and engineers will be able to apply tickets via http://developer.apple.com/wwdc/tickets now through Saturday, 18 April 1 a.m. SST, tickets are of course limited and Apple won’t grant them so easily. Apple will also be offering over 350 WWDC scholarships to students and members of STEM organisations around the world and the chance to earn a free ticket if they apply throughhttp://developer.apple.com/wwdc/scholarships.

For now, we shall continue to dream on if we ever made it to WWDC one day but we will of course stay tuned to the live stream and update you folks accordingly. Counting down to 8 June…

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