Home News Activision Blizzard acquires Major League Gaming

Activision Blizzard acquires Major League Gaming

by Sia

Activision Blizzard’s interest in the competitive e-sports since has culminated in the company’s acquisition of Major League Gaming for a sum of USD 46 million. 

Founded in 2002, Major League Gaming operates various live gaming events and gaming tournaments. The company also runs gaming leagues through its MLG.tv, MLG Pro Circuit and GameBattles platforms. 

With this acquisition, Activision Blizzard will be grouping MLG into a part of its newly founded Media Networks division with the CEO and co-founder of MLG, Sundance DiGiovanni, joining the department. Other notable members of the Media Network division includes former ESPN CEO Steve Bornstein and MLG co-founder Mike Sepso. 

“Our mission for over 12 years has been to promote and expand the growth of competitive gaming worldwide, and today the industry is at a key inflection point as its popularity soars and rivals that of many traditional professional sports. This acquisition and Activision Blizzard’s commitment to competitive gaming will expand the opportunities for gamers to be recognized and celebrated for their competitive excellence,” says DiGiovanni. 

“Our acquisition of Major League Gaming’s business furthers out plans to create the ESPN of eSports. MLG’s ability to create premium content and its proven broadcast technology platform – including its live streaming capabilities – strengthens our strategic position in competitive gaming. MLG has an incredibly strong and seasoned team and a thriving community,” says Bobby Kotick, president and CEO of Activition Blizzard.

Not much is known as to what this acquisition means for the various MLG tournaments just yet, but leagues and services such as MLG TV, MLG Pro Circuit and GameBattles will continue to be hosted as usual.

Source : Activision BlizzardMCV UK

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