Home News US Supreme Court to hear Microsoft's appeal in Xbox 360 disc-scratching case

US Supreme Court to hear Microsoft's appeal in Xbox 360 disc-scratching case

by Sia

When the Xbox 360 was first released, it was plagued with tons of issues. Besides the infamous Red Ring of Death, one other common complaint about the Xbox 360 is that it has a tendency to scratch discs. This problem has led some Xbox 360 owners to file a class-action lawsuit against Microsoft. In 2012, a US federal judge dismissed the class action suit, citing a lack of complaints. This decision has since been overturned in March of 2015 and the Supreme Court has agreed to consider Microsoft’s bid to fend off the class action suit.

Just to be clear, the Supreme Court will not be ruling on the actual case, they will just be deciding if the complaints can be heard as a class action lawsuit. If the judges rule that the complaints CAN be heard as a class action suit, Microsoft would then need to return to court to present their case.

Microsoft, of course, is adamant that the class action suit is improper, claiming that only 0.4% of Xbox 360 owners reported disc scratches, most of which were caused by misuse. 

Source : ReutersAssociated Press

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