Home News The Galaxy S8 comes with a Harman AKG earphone and streams to two headphones at the same time

The Galaxy S8 comes with a Harman AKG earphone and streams to two headphones at the same time

by Warren

Samsung haven’t been emphasizing much on audio when it comes to its flagship smartphones, while I’m not sure how the loudspeaker of the new Galaxy S8 will sound like, it seems that Samsung is finally taking audio seriously this round as every Galaxy S8 will come bundled with a $99 (RM437) Harman AKG earphone, which features a ‘comfortable hybrid canal fit’ and an anti-tangle cord, the earphone will be sold separately if you are interested to get one for your phone.

Furthermore, Engadget has reported that the Galaxy S8 can actually stream audio to two listening devices at the same time, a feature that is found in a leaked manual of the Galaxy S8 by Phandroid and is achieved by using Bluetooth dual audio. Sure enough, the Galaxy S8 comes with the latest Bluetooth 5.0 connectivity, and this is where it takes advantage of the hardware to be able to stream the same music sources to two listening devices, while also being able to control the volume of both devices at the same time.

Even though Samsung didn’t really boast any sound enhancement features in the Galaxy S8 just like some other smartphone manufacturers, it would be great to hear it out when the phone gets released and find out how it plays with HTC’s BoomSound and phones with Dolby Audio. The Galaxy S8 and S8+ will be released in the US on April 21, and will be sold from $750 onwards.

SOURCE: Engadget

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