Home News Newly launched bumbung.co help matchmake home seekers and agents

Newly launched bumbung.co help matchmake home seekers and agents

by Alicia

Looking for the perfect real-estate to suit each and every one of your needs can be quite a difficult thing to accomplish. However, these guys at bumbung.co managed to find a solution to your real-estate woes. As Malaysia’s first tech-based real estate company, bumbung was created to provide a long-term solution for both home seekers and real estate agents to offer an innovative, cost and time efficient model. 

If you’re a home seeker, just head to bumbung.co and key in whatever requirements you need for a home, and within 24 hours, you will connected to 5 relevant properties or agents that best fit your needs. As for real estate agents, they just need to list their property once, and just wait for bumbung to notify them whenever a match is made with the listing on the database. 

bumbung differ from many other platforms as they only charge real estate agents on the number of confirmed viewings, which ensures a fair and equal chance of every property to be listed on. On top of that, since safety, trust and privacy is a priority when it comes to this kind of things, bumbung features a rating system for real estate agents and only licensed agents are listed. 

You can access this service via the website at bumbung.co, Google Play Store, and Apple App Store. 

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