Home News AppChat lets you talk about the apps you use on your smartphone

AppChat lets you talk about the apps you use on your smartphone

by Warren

The term Apps exist since the inception of iPhone and it has now been used so frequently in the computing world, while most of us geeks will tend to talk to our friends about the apps we use everyday, here comes an app that wants you discuss about apps you’re using on your smartphone.

AppChat is an app that lets you chat with registered users about the app you are using, released by XDA-Developers, there’s almost 80,000 app topics within the app and users will be able to benefit from learning the best way to use a particular app and in return, app developers can also take advantage of knowing instant feedback from users of their own work. In fact, such tool is definitely much more useful than leaving comments on app stores despite having the risk of being spammed.

Image Credit: Android Headlines

The idea behind the app is certainly a good one and who knows one day we shall be seeing Google or Apple implementing such feature into their app stores which will allow instant communication between users and app developers. AppChat is exclusively available for Android devices at this point of time so do head on to the Play Store to download and start chatting away about your favourite app, I’m sure there’s something that you can learn from there.

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