Home News New Zealand will ban the Galaxy Note 7 from its cellular networks

New Zealand will ban the Galaxy Note 7 from its cellular networks

by Sia

Despite software updates that annoys the users, as well as a worldwide flight ban, some people are still stubbornly clinging on to the maligned Note 7. In what can be considered a last resort move, Samsung will be coordinating with the New Zealand Telecommunications industry to straight up blacklist the smartphone from the country.

Beginning on the 18th of November, the Note 7 will not be able to access any of New Zealand’s mobile networks. This means that all Note 7s in New Zealand will be rendered useless, as owners of the smartphone will not be able to make calls or use data on the device itself. By blocking access to the mobile networks, New Zealand hopes that any remaining Note 7 devices will be returned promptly.

New Zealand’s decision to restrict its mobile networks to the Note 7 may be the push that the Note 7 users need to finally return the phone. Depending on its effectiveness, it may also lead to other countries doing to same thing. That being said, if this move does not convince a Note 7 owner to swap his faulty phone for a new one, it’s probably safe to say that said owner won’t be trading in the Note 7 anytime soon.

Source: TCF

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