Home News Man gets addicted to Fallout 4, sues Bethesda

Man gets addicted to Fallout 4, sues Bethesda

by Sia

For all its flaws, Fallout 4 is an addictive game. So addictive in fact, that one gamer is suing Bethesda because of it.

A Siberian gamer is suing the game company responsible for Fallout 4 as he claims an addiction to the role-playing game messed with his real life. Based on what the 28-year-old is claiming, Fallout 4 caused him to lose his wife and his job after spending three weeks playing Fallout 4 while skipping work, forgetting to sleep or eat, and ignoring his friends.

According to Russian news outlet RT, the lawfirm representing the gamer says that the lawsuit is a test case for the Russian legal system and they want to “see how far we can go regarding the case”. 

The gamer in question is suing Bethesda Game Studios and the Russian localization firm for around USD 7,000, claiming emotional distress.

This woulld not be the first time a game developer was sued for making a game too addictive. Back in 2010, a Hawaiian gamer attemped to sue NCSoft as he claims the developers failed to warn him of the addictive nature of the MMO called Lineage II. Unfortunately for him, the case was eventually dismissed with prejudice.

Source : VentureBeat

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