Home News HoloLens version of Outlook Mail and Calendar is now available on the Windows Store

HoloLens version of Outlook Mail and Calendar is now available on the Windows Store

by Sia

If you’re one of the few that has managed to get your hands on a developer’s kit of the HoloLens, you might be interested to know that Microsoft has just recently released the Outlook Mail and Calendar app on the Windows Store.

According to Microsoft, Outlook Mail on HoloLens will now allow you to place your inbox on your office wall to stay on top of emails while simultaneously interacting with other digital content in your real world. The Calendar functions almost similarly to Outlook Mail, allowing you to quickly see what’s coming up next in your day with the new wall calendar. 

Much like the Office apps that were released for the HoloLens back at Microsoft’s Build 2016 event, Outlook Mail and Calendar is built on the Universal Windows Platform (UWP), making it easy for developers to deliver a familiar experience to users who are already using the apps on Windows 10 PCs, tablets and phones.

Even if you don’t have a HoloLens now, rest assured that when the device is made available for purchase, you will be able to download the apps from the Windows Store without too much fuss.

Source: Windows Office Blog

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