Home Reviews Ad-Supported Apps will be labelled by Google Play

Ad-Supported Apps will be labelled by Google Play

by Kiri

Google Play has been previously labelling applications which has in-app purchases, being pretty useful to dodge “freemium” apps. Coming 2016, it will be more clearer for advertisements. According to Droid Life, developers has been notified by Mountain View stating that they are required to sign into their consoles to declare the presence of advertisements in their applications.

Failure to do so could cause the application or developer to face suspension. The “ad-supported” tag has been originally launched by Google last April for its kid-friendly Play Store, being designed for families program. Now, developers have a deadline at January 11, 2016 to tag their apps appropriately, with the label itself to start showing up in the regular Play Store early next year.

SOURCE: Engadget

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