Home News Our ‘next big thing’ ads makes Phil Schiller ‘crazy’

Our ‘next big thing’ ads makes Phil Schiller ‘crazy’

by Warren

I have to admit, I’m not a fan of Samsung’s the next big thing advertisement but at the same time, I’m impressed with the marketing strategy Samsung has taken to make its product stand out from its competitors. As Apple and Samsung starts their 2nd patent war again (oh my, when can we stop hearing of it), Samsung officials mention that their ‘next big thing’ commercial makes the great old Phil at Apple ‘crazy’, the one who said “can’t innovate my ass” in the most recent WWDC keynote.

According to John Quinn of law firm Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan who’s representing Samsung in the trial, they were able to show internal Apple documents that haven’t been made public before. Quinn says the “innovate my ass” guy became so obsessed with the campaign that he wrote an e-mail to CEO Tim Cook to suggest the company to look into another ad agency instead of its mainstay and even got Apple’s board to discuss over the issue.
Phil Schiller is Apple’s first witness in today’s trial and Apple is asking for $2 billion in damages, while Samsung wants even more at $6.9 million. Seriously Apple, stop all these patent wars already can you, being nice to each other ain’t so difficult right?
Source: The Verge

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