Home News Oculus Rift now available for pre-order at USD 599

Oculus Rift now available for pre-order at USD 599

by Sia

Want an Oculus Rift? Well, like we mentioned earlier this week, pre-orders for the virtual reality headset is now open for the not-exactly-cheap price of USD 599.

Reception to the price reveal is not exactly going over well with the people that are interested in the device in the first place. Much of this displeasure can be attributed to the fact that Oculus Founder Palmer Luckey mentioned that the complete unit would have a price that hovers around the USD 350 mark

Also not helping is this Q&A done by AllThingsD where Luckey suggested that if the device is so expensive that a majority of people couldn’t afford it, then it might as well not exist at all. Needless to say, many are using these articles to crucify Oculus decision to price the VR headset at a far higher price point than expected.

If you’re one of the few that can afford the USD 599 price tag, then you’ll be able to get the Oculus Rift headset, sensors, an Oculus Remote, cables, EVE : Valkyrie, Lucky’s Tale, and curiously enough, an Xbox One controller. The device is expected to ship in May.

Source : Oculus ShopRoadToVRAllThingsD

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