Home Features I’ve signed up for iFlix and paid RM96/year for it with three reasons

I’ve signed up for iFlix and paid RM96/year for it with three reasons

by Warren

Watching video content is such a challenge in Malaysia, our local satellite TV service sucked with expensive monthly charges and literally the entire content market is being monopolized by one identity that we all know. Everyone is looking for a solution to end this, and here comes cheap Chinese TV boxes that you won’t feel like watching them after a while, then OTT boxes that has updated content everyday which you will eventually get sick of loading them all the time, worse if the content provider dies half way.

Here comes iFlix, a on demand video streaming service that costs as cheap as RM8/month, I’ve completed my trial and when it asks me to pay to continue, I paid and never looked back, this is the service that I will truly continue to pay just to support them going on, and here are my five reasons for doing so.

RM8/month is affordable for quality content

I’m literally sick of downloading movies through torrent sites and to catch that TV program that I wasn’t able to as I’m always busy at work. There are local online streaming services such as HyppTV and Tonton.com, but the content they are serving costs more than what I’m paying to iFlix and the number of movies that I’m able to watch is really amazing, it even has all of my favorite classic cartoons and old movies which I can watch them when I’m feeling a little nostalgic after a busy day of work. And for that kind of enjoyment, RM8/month is a very low price to pay and its even cheaper than a music streaming service here, and I pay to support it.

Supporting the service

It’s not easy to start a video content provider service here, and I salute what iFlix has done to make this happen, while iFlix doesn’t have the latest movies or series to view, the company is fairly young at this stage and will definitely work hard on bringing over more recent content, content services can only get better when there is proper support, just like how Spotify got started here in Malaysia, there were so little Asian albums that we can listen on the service but look at now, almost everyone I know uses Spotify and they love the service, and I’m positive iFlix will be there some day with the needed support.

Reduce illegal downloads

Artists and actors worked extremely hard to produce great movies for our enjoyment, instead of downloading them or streaming them illegally (which I still do these days), its time for us as content creators as well to support such service running at a tip top condition, and hope that these services do pay production companies well to get them create better content. Simply put, there’s no free lunch in this world, you want to watch the latest movie, you pay for the movie ticket and paying for a service such as iFlix, it costs a pair of them in a month.

A great service that still need improvements

At the end of the day, iFlix still has a lot of work to do, granted there’s no HD video streaming yet, neither there is proper Chromecast or AirPlay support for the service just yet, but if we actually pay to continue to support the existence of the service, just like how you guys loved our videos on YouTube and subscribed to our channel for more upcoming videos, I definitely recommend iFlix to anyone who is still hesitating to sign up.

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