Home News Netflix and Halo 5 shown running on the Hololens

Netflix and Halo 5 shown running on the Hololens

by Sia

Microsoft’s HoloLens has been a highly intriguing piece of product but the demoes of it has been scarce so far. So it comes as a pleasant surprised that some Microsoft engineers have shared some previews of the HoloLens in action, namely by streaming Halo 5 from an Xbox One and running Netflix through the Microsoft Edge browser.

While the early footage of the HoloLens in action seems highly promising, the device is still currently in the early prototype stages. Users that have managed to try it out for themselves says that the actual user experience isn’t quite as smooth as the one depicted on the Youtube video. For example, the HoloLens’ narrow peripheral field of view isn’t quite as obvious in the demo unless you’ve tried the device out personally. That said, the demoes above are proof that the HoloLens can be something more than the various other VR headsets that will be released sometime next year.

If those videos makes you want a HoloLens ASAP, be prepared to wait as the Developer versions of the device won’t be going on sale until next year, meaning that the consumer version of the HoloLens is still months away. 

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