Home News Telegram: Now with replies, @mentions and #hashtags!

Telegram: Now with replies, @mentions and #hashtags!

by Warren

So, Telegram just decided to release an update for their app on the Play Store (Click here!) that has come with some amazing features you never knew you always wanted. All you have to do to make a quick reply to a specific message in a group is to highlight it by holding down on message and clicking the reply icon. Another useful feature added is the @mentioning feature, if you need to get @someone’s attention in a group, just @mention them in your message. Also, when you forward a message you can now add a comment to it as well. Another insane feature is the ability to #hashtag, although I am not too sure what significance it will hold for this platform, I am sure users will quickly find a use for it. If you find no real use for it, #you #could #always #annoy #your #friends #instagram #style #hashtag #hashtaghashtag. Oh, and clicking on a #hashtag makes a quick search for that particular #hashtag. Give it a try!

Captioning your Forwarded Messages actually helps you add some much needed context.

Also, it didn’t take long for Warren to totally lose it.

Still not using Telegram? Click here to find out why you should!

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