If you or your friends are still using Streamyx or Unifi Lite, otherwise known as ADSL, you might want to start looking for a new broadband service as TM will be discontinuing its 24-year old broadband service after February 2025, the telco has since stopped accepting registrations since 2022 and by now, most users should already be on Unifi fibre broadband, so it does make sense for TM to shut down the service for good.
TM’s Streamyx, later rebranded to Unifi Lite, has had a good long run and offered download speeds up to 8Mbps, the service utilizes the copper network infrastructure from our home’s ancient RJ-11 port, it was a huge upgrade from DSL back then as it allows fixed line phone calls to come through when you are online.

Despite this, we won’t be surprised that there will still be some areas across the Peninsular and East Coast that isn’t fibre ready, hence there will still be some small amount of users depending on the legacy service, TM will stop supporting the service after 28th February if you happen to run into connectivity issues, so its good to explore 4G or 5G broadband solutions if you can since they should offer better speeds over Streamyx.
To check if your area is covered by TM’s fibre infrastructure and to migrate your service, you may contact TM directly or check through the MyUnifi app.