Home News Spotify celebrates 15 most-streamed moms and moms-to-be

Spotify celebrates 15 most-streamed moms and moms-to-be

by Warren

you think most female artists that you love are married without any kids, you will be really surprised that there are in fact many of them. In conjunction with Mother’s Day, Spotify is honouring the 15 most-streamed moms and moms-to-be on the service Led by Queen Bey herself, these artists balance music careers with the demands of motherhood and are inspirations to us all.

Top Streamed Moms on Spotify

1) Beyonce
2) P!nk
3) Adele
4) Shakira
5) Mariah Carey
6) Alicia Keys
7) Christina Aguilera
8)Kelly Clarkson
9) Jennifer Lopez
10) Celine Dion
11) Lily Allen
12) Fergie
13) Whitney Houston
14) Ciara
15) M.I.A
Spotify has also created a Top Streamed Mum playlist, which we are embedding it right below. Do us favour, share this playlist with your mum and wish her Happy Mothers Day alright?

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