Home Gaming Nintendo to reveal more details about the Switch in January

Nintendo to reveal more details about the Switch in January

by Sia

The Nintendo Switch is one of the more fascinating consoles that Nintendo has revealed so far. Unfortunately, very little details about the device has been released thus far. If you’re hoping to know more about Nintendo’s upcoming console, you’re in luck, as Nintendo has announced that it will be hosting a livestream event on the 12th of January to reveal more details about the Switch.

Nintendo’s decision to host the event on January 12th isn’t exactly surprising as the company itself has announced that no further details about the Switch will be revealed in 2016. With the Switch scheduled for a March 2017 launch, Nintendo doesn’t really have too much time on their hands to convince the public that the Switch is a console worth getting. Now that Nintendo has decided to reveal more details about the Switch in January, the Japanese company will have roughly two months to work with before the Switch enters the market.

While Nintendo themselves did not elaborate on what they would touch on during the presentation, Wall Street Journal’s Takashi Mochizuki has mentioned that Nintendo will be revealing the price, software lineup, and launch date of the Nintendo Switch. If you’re still uncertain about the Nintendo Switch, the January 12th event will be one worth watching.

Source: Engadget

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