Home Digital Services Deep Nostalgia: New AI service brings old, still photos to life

Deep Nostalgia: New AI service brings old, still photos to life

by Yvonne Ng
AI, MyHeritage, Deep Nostalgia

Sounds creepy, but that’s exactly what the Deep Nostalgia by MyHeritage offers; its new service uses AI to animate still photos, including the ones of your great great great grandparents in those old, sepia-toned photos.

MyHeritage wants users to sign up first

Before you get to enjoy this creepy (kind of) service, the site requires you to sign up –you can do so using your Facebook or Google account. After that, you should be able to either upload your photo or just drag and drop the photo onto the site. This is made possible using a technology from D-ID, a company that does video reenactment via deep learning.

Deep Nostalgia will not have audio

However, MyHeritage also revealed that they won’t be including speech in this technology to prevent others from creating inappropriate content. You can also animate different faces in a photo, but not simultaneously; it usually takes less than half a minute to animate an individual’s face in a still photo.

While this is pretty mind-boggling, others may think it’s eerie and creepy. After all, we’re making people move when they’re not supposed to be moving — it’s almost like a plot from a horror movie.

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