Home News Cofounders say ToTok is removed without evidence, urge users to ignore Google’s warning

Cofounders say ToTok is removed without evidence, urge users to ignore Google’s warning

by Yvonne Ng

Totok is a messaging app that has been removed from Google Play Store twice under the allegations that it spies on users, but the company denied the allegations.

Last week, Google removed ToTok from Play Store and sent a pop-up message that reads, “This app tries to spy on your personal data, such as SMS messages, photos, audio recordings or call history.” Google believes that ToTok is a spying tool that can track users’ data (conversations, locations, etc.) and shares these data with the UAE government.

However, founders of ToTok urged users to ignore Google’s warning because they don’t see any “legitimate reason” for Google to ban the app. They also further emphasized that the app has been removed without any evidence and expressed their dissatisfaction with both Google Play Store and App Store.

“Being devoted to transparency, we have also invited Apple and Google teams to meet us and visit our office in person, in the hope of clearing any existing concerns,” said Giac and Long, ToTok cofounders.

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