Home Consumer Electronics Xiaomi announces Smart Glasses: Uses MicroLEDs and has a 5MP camera

Xiaomi announces Smart Glasses: Uses MicroLEDs and has a 5MP camera

by Victor Ng

Xiaomi sure knows how to steal the spotlight of late with their upcoming global launch event and their decision to rid their products of the ‘Mi’ moniker – and it seems they’re not letting up because the brand is sparking conversations yet again with the announcement of their new Xiaomi Smart Glasses. 

In an official blog post, Xiaomi confirms that the device will sport MicroLED optical waveguide tech that make up the display that shows you notifications, messages, and more. The brand explains that MicroLEDs allow it to fit nicely in the frames of the glasses, while also displayer higher pixel-density images and have a longer lifespan.  

The glasses can also do other things like navigate, make calls, capture photos, and translate text on-the-fly. With the amount of things you can do with the Smart Glasses, Xiaomi calls this an independent smart wearable device, as opposed to being a secondary display to your smartphone.  

xiaomi microledThe built-in XiaoAi assistant is responsible for registering and translating user commands and interactions into items that display on your glasses. 

xiaomi smart glasses navigateXiaomi also shows off a screenshot of what navigation looks like on the Smart Glasses – think a Grand Theft Auto mini map but in VR form, plus directional indicators to tell you where to go. This feels like something out of a Sci-Fi flick. 

xiaomi smart glasses internalsTo round off the announcement, Xiaomi also confirms that the device runs on Android, uses a quad-core ARM processor, has Wi-Fi and Bluetooth built in, and even comes with a touch pad. All these features and hardware fit in a 51g body, making it just slightly heavier than your average set of prescription glasses. 

There’s no word on when the Xiaomi Smart Glasses will arrive, or how much it’ll cost – but we’ll keep you updated when more information arrives. 

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