Digital ServicesTelcos OpenSignal ranks Malaysia’s 5G download speeds at No. 2 globally by Warren June 22, 2022 by Warren June 22, 2022 5.3K views Despite all the drama that has been going on within the Malaysian telco industry… 0 FacebookTwitterPinterestWhatsappTelegramEmail
FeaturedSponsored Introduction of 5G benefits and why it is immediately imperative by Sponsored December 15, 2021 by Sponsored December 15, 2021 2.5K views CONNECTING THE RAKYAT TO THE FUTURE Unlimited potential in how you live, work and… 0 FacebookTwitterPinterestWhatsappTelegramEmail
Digital ServicesTelcos Malaysia’s 5G to have at least 100Mbps speed at cell edge, pledges DNB by Warren October 18, 2021 by Warren October 18, 2021 1.9K views Digital Nasional Berhad (DNB), the government-owned entity that owns exclusive rights to build the… 0 FacebookTwitterPinterestWhatsappTelegramEmail