Home News Adobe’s new Productions panel is now available in Premiere Pro

Adobe’s new Productions panel is now available in Premiere Pro

by Yvonne Ng

Adobe has been teasing the new Productions panel for its Premiere Pro, and it’s finally here. This new panel will allow multiple users to work on the same project with a more organised system.

Using Productions, Premiere Pro editors can share their files through their shared storage and divide huge workflows into smaller portions for each editor to work on. This panel is made with filmmakers in mind so that they can organise and edit their reels and scenes and still combine them together with ease.

Apart from that, Productions will allow users to do media referencing across projects so there’s no need to import the same file multiple times just because you’re working on different projects. Productions will also keep all your projects in sync, meaning that when you create a project under the Productions folder and make changes, this will automatically be saved in Premiere Pro and your disk.

There is one feature that stands out in Productions — Project Locking. This will et the current editor to lock their projects so that their colleagues cannot modify their project but can still access them to take content from the project — this will prevent the other editors from accidentally messing up the project you’re working on.

The Production panel should be a useful tool for filmmakers, especially since it can help in increasing productivity and improve on workflows of large, complex projects.

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