Home News iflix now has HD content

iflix now has HD content

by Sia

iflix subscribers rejoice as one of the most commonly requested content has finally made its way onto the video streaming service: HD content.

From this point forwards, all newly introduced content to iflix will be available in 720p resolution. As for pre-existing iflix content, content that was introduced since the 24th of January already comes with 720p support, while older shows will receive the HD treatment over time. For those who are curious, some of the shows that will be available in HD format includes The Magicians, Emerald City, The Flash, Avatar, Titanic, and many more. On top of HD support, iflix will also be upgrading its audio quality to support Stereo 5.1. All these updates will be coming to iflix with no extra charge, so the monthly subscription to iflix will still remain at RM10.

For those who are wondering if 1080p content will be coming to iflix, iflix Global Director of Labs, Data Intelligence and Content Technology Ash Crick mentions that 1080p content will eventually be coming to the service. Unfortunately, no solid date was given as to when that will happen.

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