Home News Google will introduce add-ons to Gmail

Google will introduce add-ons to Gmail

by Sia

Google’s Gmail service will be getting a huge upgrade later in the year as the company has announced its intentions to rollout add-ons to the e-mail service.

Currently available only as a developer preview, this add-ons will give Gmail new functionalities for G Suite users on both the web version of the service or the mobile app on both iOS and Android devices. According to Google, these add-ons will only need to be installed once. After installation, the add-ons will be made available across all platforms, meaning you’ll never need to download the same add-on twice.

For now, the developer preview version comes with three add-ons. Intuit Quickbooks is the first, and it allows Gmail users and QuickBooks small business customers to generate and send invoices directly from Gmail. ProsperWorks is the second add-on, and it allows Gmails users to check the contact info of people on email threads against the information stored in their customer relationship management (CRM). Finally, Salesforce will also be an available add-on for Gmail, allowing users to look up existing contacts, add new ones, and associate email threads with one or more existing opportunities in Salesforce.

Source: G Suite Developers Blog

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