Home News Google releases Voice Access which allows you to navigate your phone using only your voice

Google releases Voice Access which allows you to navigate your phone using only your voice

by Tarvin Gill

After a long beta test, Google has finally released Voice Access which allows you to use your phone without tapping on the screen. The app allows you to navigate your phone using only your voice.

The app allows you to open and navigate apps, type a message using your voice, and even control the OS by using the navigation buttons at the bottom of the phone without tapping it. You can either tell Voice Access exactly what to tap or enable the number of indicators that will indicate places on the screen you can tap and navigate by just saying the numbers. You can even scroll up and down on Facebook and every other command that you can think of.

The app was mainly made for people with disabilities who have problems using their phones. Voice Access is only available in English for now but Google has said that they are working hard to support additional languages in the future. You can try out the app right now by downloading it for free on the Play Store, and if you have friends or relatives that have trouble using this phone, you can recommend them to try this app out as well.

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