Home News Google Drive rolls out search function

Google Drive rolls out search function

by Sia

Is your Google Drive filled to the brim with various documents, images and files? Well, Google has now introduced a search function into their cloud storage service, allowing you to find what you’re looking for in your own Drive.

According to Google, the new search engine implemented allows users to search across all files, regardless of the device they came from. Users are able to search for files via file type on Android, iOS or the web. An advance search function can be accessed via the search box.

For iOS users, you can search through your own Google Drive from the home screen using 3D Touch. You can also use the iOS search bar to search through your Drive without ever having to open the Drive app.

To complement the implementation of the search feature, several behind-the-scenes improvements were introduced to give your search queries even better results than they did before. Some of the improvements includie searching for shared files by file owner using their name or email address, and searching a file via its date of last modification, words contained, and who its shared with through the advanced search option.

SOURCE: Google Drive Blog

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