Home News Digi brings back Challenge for Change, challenges Malaysians to develop ideas and apps for social good

Digi brings back Challenge for Change, challenges Malaysians to develop ideas and apps for social good

by Sia

Digi’s Challenge for Change is back and much like the last edition, the telco is inviting the Malaysia public and local developer communities to ideate and build innovative mobile apps for social good.

Open to all Malaysians, the seventh edition of the Challenge for Change is scheduled to start from mid-June until early October. The competition will be divided into three phases. The first phase would see Malaysians submitted their ideas at this website. Ideators that were shortlisted will then be engaged in planned activation sessions and pitches to select the best three issues facing Malaysians that will be developed into mobile apps. The three winners will walk away with RM 5,000 each.

The second phase will be a Hackathon as various developers will be challenged to build mobile apps in addressing the three issues by participating in HACK!@DigiCFC7. Three finalists will be selected from the Hackathon to enter phase three where they will undergo a 30-day validation period. These finalists will need to show Proof of Concept by running their product in a chosen beneficiary group or community. The winning team stands to win a grand prize of RM 50,000 and they will be invited to participate in the Digital Winners Conference that will be held in Oslo, Norway in October. Runner-ups will be awarded with cash prizes of RM 10,000 each.

“Over the years, DigiCFC has evolved to create relevance while keeping the fundamental value of empowering change constant. This year we are challenging Malaysians to come up with ideas to address some of the most pressing issues faced by children, youth and women in the country. We’ll then work with the developer community to create mobile apps that serves as a conduit to engage the various communities,” says Albern Murty, Chief Executive Office of Digi.

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