Home News Sony plans to announce the PS4K before the release of the PSVR

Sony plans to announce the PS4K before the release of the PSVR

by Sia

We’ve reported that Sony is possibly working on the PlayStation 4K but it was just rumours then. Today though, the Wall Street Journal is reporting that Sony is aiming to announce the PS4K before the PlayStation VR launches in October, so it seems that the rumours are true.

According to people that are familiar with the matter, Sony will be selling the PS4K as a higher-end PlayStation 4 machine that can handle high-end game experiences like virtual reality. As for the standard PlayStation 4, Sony intends to continue manufacturing the base PS4 console as well.

If you’ve already own a PlayStation 4, barring any surprise announcements from Sony, you’re going to have to purchase the PS4K console if you want to take advantage of the enhanced graphics and power. One of the Wall Street Journal’s sources say that the software between the standard PS4 and the PS4K would likely share the same catalogue, but seeing as the keyword here is ‘likely’, it remains to be seen if Sony would eventually be publishing PS4K-only games.

Source: Wall Street Journal

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