Home News Galaxy S7 won't charge if it's still damp

Galaxy S7 won't charge if it's still damp

by Reuben

Samsung omitted its water resistance feature last year with the Galaxy S6, S6 Edge and S6 Edge Plus. While Samsung had many shots fired at them for that move, it decided to bring it back to its flagship lineup this year, having launched the Galaxy S7 and S7 Edge. With online manuals of the S7 and S7 Edge available for download, in them are user warnings about not charging the devices right away after water submersion to avoid hardware problems. Smart Samsung knows that there are ignorant, non-manual-reading users out there (guilty as charged), hence it might have placed a safety feature, which doesn’t allow you to charge your S7 if the device detects moisture.

An XDA forum user, “xxaarraa”, got lucky, claiming that the phenomenon occurred to him after taking an underwater photo. The post reads:

I took an underwater photo this morning and put the phone away (S7E). 4 hours later I plugged it into the wall (fast charger) for a top-up and the phone popped up an error message “moisture detected in charging port..” and the phone won’t charge. 

Is this a safeguard? I will try charging again in a few hours, but curious if anyone else observed this so far..

The strict “safeguard” might turn out frustrating for some users, based on the fact that the XDA forummer waited four hours prior to the device’s rejection to charge, or is it a safety precaution for Samsung to avoid the headaches and hassles of warranty replacements? But it looks like xxaarraa might have succumbed to using a hairdryer to speed up the drying process, or the Asian way – burying the S7 Edge in rice and hoping that some yellow skinned fellow why mythically dry out the device. 

What do you think about this safeguard by Samsung? Let us know your thoughts!

Source: xxaarraa (XDA forums)  Via: SamMobile

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