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Apple’s new program guides female entrepreneurs with app development

by Yvonne Ng

Apple announced an all-new Entrepreneur Camp that focuses on women to help them develop and improve in their app-driven businesses.

The Entrepreneur Camp is a program that aims to assist in growing female leadership when it comes to app development community, so that they are equally well-equipped with the knowledge and tools that they need to create better applications in the future. 

Image credit: Apple

The program is only eligible for organisations with a woman founder, co-founder, or CEO and also a female developer and aside from that, they will need a developed app or functional build that they can demonstrate live. Now the camp allows up to three members to attend, but only the third member can be either male or female, and all members must be 18 and above, and those who are attending will need to bring their own laptops to the lab.

The Entrepreneur Camp is also held on a quarterly basis, whereby its pilot session will begin in January 2019. It consists of an immersive two-week technology lab where participants will receive a one-on-one code-level guidance from Apple engineers, and also a full year of membership in the Apple Developer Program. Besides that, they are entitled to ongoing support from an Apple Developer, in addition to getting up to two tickets to the WWDC (Worldwide Developers Conference).

Those who are interested in the program or want to learn more about it can do so by visiting https://developer.apple.com/entrepreneur-camp/.

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