Home News Uber and Grab drivers in Singapore now need licenses

Uber and Grab drivers in Singapore now need licenses

by Reuben

Private hire car operators have been becoming increasingly common these days. Ride sharing apps such as Uber, Lyft and Grab have experienced exponential growth in their user base since they were launched respectively. One of the more known issues with ride sharing services is cab drivers crying foul over drivers who are not required to obtain a license for picking passengers up, and blaming them for robbing their bread and butter.

In some major cities across the world, for example New York City, private car hire operators are required to have a license to operate, in NYC’s case a For-Hire License issued by the TLC (Taxi and Limousine Commission). Malaysia’s neighboring country Singapore now requires Uber and Grab drivers to obtain a vocational license in order to continue operating.

The requirement has been made due to amendments in the Road Traffic Act of the country. The new requirement is to ensure that private for hire drivers are “equipped with sufficient knowledge” and are able to drive safely. Drivers will also be required to fix tamper evident decals provided by the Land Transport Authority of Singapore. The Registrar of Vehicles also has the power to issue a general suspension, barring drivers under an operator whereby it has three or more cases of its drivers committing major offences in a period of 12 months.

The regulation has been made with the intention of the safety of commuters and to provide both private hire car drivers and cab drivers a more even playing field. Do you think this should happen in Malaysia as well? 

Source: Channel News Asia

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