Home News TM and U Mobile join hands to explore network sharing opportunities

TM and U Mobile join hands to explore network sharing opportunities

by Victor Ng

The advent of 5G availability in the country is night – and every major telco company is working together to push the development and deployment of the technology in Malaysia.

This time around, the duo of Telekom Malaysia (TM) and U Mobile are teaming up to share networks using TM’s 5G Demonstration Project (5GDP) in Langkawi as a platform.

Both parties will explore network infrastructure sharing models such as the Multi-Operator Code Node (MOCN) or Multi-Operator Radio Access Network (MORAN) to push for the deployment of 5G.

The Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission previously announced the network bands available in the country and as given a consortium of companies the chance to bid for these bands – a mass roll-out of 5G connectivity is expected to arrive in Q3 this year, this it’s great to see big name telcos working together in this endeavour.

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