News Line is developing an Amazon Alexa competitor named Clova by Sia March 3, 2017 by Sia March 3, 2017 688 views Line, the Japan-based messaging app is looking to branch out into a new sector… 0 FacebookTwitterPinterestWhatsappTelegramEmail
News This Amazon grocery store allows you to "just walk out" by Reuben December 5, 2016 by Reuben December 5, 2016 639 views Amazon has launched a new grocery store, named Amazon Go. What’s special about this… 0 FacebookTwitterPinterestWhatsappTelegramEmail
News Twitter may put Vine up for sale after all by Sia November 8, 2016 by Sia November 8, 2016 646 views When Twitter first announced that they would shut down Vine last month, many were… 0 FacebookTwitterPinterestWhatsappTelegramEmail