Home Featured Samsung Galaxy Fold was not ready for launch, admits Samsung CEO – urges public to be patient

Samsung Galaxy Fold was not ready for launch, admits Samsung CEO – urges public to be patient

by Victor Ng
Samsung Galaxy Fold DJ Koh

The Samsung Galaxy Fold’s appearance in public has been marred by a couple of deal-breaking issues – screen flickering or breaking, and a bump that can be felt under the display. These problems have halted the proper launch of the phone for some time now – try two months overdue – and recent reports say that Samsung will once again be delaying the announcement of the phone as they’re still working on the device.

Image credit: 9to5Google

Samsung co-CEO DJ Koh has come out and admitted that the Galaxy Fold was not ready prior to its launch back in April, and he says that “it was embarrassing” for him and his company. Koh has gone on to say that Samsung has figured out the problems and are in the midst of fixing it, while 2,000 units of the phone are currently being tested.  He continues by urging the public to allow him and his team a little bit more time to complete the product.

Image credit: Daily Express

So based on this, it’s unlikely that we’ll be seeing the Galaxy Fold anytime soon, while another highly-anticipated foldable smartphone, the Huawei Mate X has also been delayed. Even if they do make the market – which eventually they will – its unlikely to sell like hotcakes considering their eye-watering prices. For now, let’s avert our attention to the upcoming Samsung Galaxy Note 10 which is set to arrive August 7.

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