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This is the vivo V19’s night photography quality

by Yvonne Ng

We recently got our hands on the vivo V19 and while we missed the chance to fully explore the potential of night photography with the V19 in a multi-sensory fine dining experience, we think it’s still necessary for us to share some night shots taken with vivo’s new phone. Luckily, we managed to take some gorgeous pictures before the MCO was implemented. Of course, our photos included the Twin Towers as it is a must-visit landmark when it comes to taking night photography.

This picture of our beautiful landmark is taken using the Night mode of the vivo V19. It’s impressive how clear and sharp the image looks; there’s no doubt that this phone is capable of taking insta-worthy night shots.

[sciba leftsrc=”https://klgadgetguy.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/IMG_20200318_213009-scaled.jpg” leftlabel=”Without Night mode” rightsrc=”https://klgadgetguy.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/IMG_20200318_213035-scaled.jpg” rightlabel=”With Night mode” mode=”horizontal” width=””]

These photos are a comparison shot taken with and without the V19’s Night mode. One thing’s for sure, with an adequate amount of lighting, the V19 can handle night photography without issues. The only difference we can really see between these two photos are the colours; the colours tend to be warmer when Night mode is switched on, so it’s really up to you whether you prefer warmer temperature or not. Personally, I favour the one without Night mode.

[sciba leftsrc=”https://klgadgetguy.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/IMG_20200318_222321-scaled.jpg” leftlabel=”Without Night mode” rightsrc=”https://klgadgetguy.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/IMG_20200318_222325-scaled.jpg” rightlabel=”With Night mode” mode=”horizontal” width=””]

Here’s another comparison; in this case, the picture taken with Night mode is much brighter and slightly clearer. However, we can also see that red on the signage slightly oversaturated.

A few more photos taken with the V19; as you can see, the photos are properly exposed, the colours are vibrant and you can see the details properly.

Moving on to the selfies, the V19 did not disappoint too. With its dual selfie camera setup, I could take night selfies that aren’t too shabby. With the combination of Night mode and Beauty mode, I get flawless skin and well-lit selfies.

[sciba leftsrc=”https://klgadgetguy.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/IMG_20200318_220116-scaled.jpg” leftlabel=”With Night mode, without Backlight HDR” rightsrc=”https://klgadgetguy.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/IMG_20200318_220207-scaled.jpg” rightlabel=”Without Night mode, with Backlight HDR” mode=”horizontal” width=””]

However, I’ve discovered another way to take better selfies under lowlight situation. Using its normal Photo mode or even Portrait mode, the phone will activate a feature called Backlight HDR to greatly brighten up the selfies when you capture them. This turned out to be more useful when I’m under really dark lighting, as seen in the comparison photos above. I was at a Petronas station hence the green lighting, but with Backlight HDR, the colours and lighting are much better.

The vivo V19 will be an exciting phone to anticipate. Though it hasn’t been launched in Malaysia, we should be seeing its debut really soon.

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