Home Featured Microsoft unveiled the Surface Duo, an Android phone with dual-screen

Microsoft unveiled the Surface Duo, an Android phone with dual-screen

by Yvonne Ng

Microsoft unveiled the Surface Duo yesterday and it’s a dual-screen Android phone that will also be available in 2020 like the dual-screen Surface Neo.

The Surface Duo also sports a 360-degree hinge and while it’s not a folding screen device, it does look quite similar to the Samsung Galaxy Fold. It has two 5.6-inch displays and looks boxy even when it’s folded. Despite being an innovative device, it is wider than an average smartphone and sports huge bezels on the top and bottom. 

The good news is the Surface Duo won’t be annoyingly thick when it’s folded and since Microsoft is partnering with Google, it has access to Google Play Store. However, while it has a front camera on the screen, there’s no rear camera to be seen.

Microsoft didn’t reveal many of the Surface Duo’s specifications (battery, processor, storage) but since there’s about a year more before it’s official, there could be various changes made to the Microsoft phone.

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