Home News Malicious MP4 video will crash your iOS device if you view it through Safari

Malicious MP4 video will crash your iOS device if you view it through Safari

by Sia

iOS device owners may want to be cautious as to what link they click on as there is a malicious MP4 video floating on the internet that will crash your iOS device if you view it through Safari.

First spotted by the users at reddit, this particular 5-second MP4 video is known to cause a memory leak which would result in a frozen iOS device. This problem occurs on all iOS devices of any version, affecting iPhones, iPads and iPods with versions of iOS as old as iOS 5. The video above, made by EverythingApplePro, showcases what will happen when you view the video.

Thankfully, this video doesn’t seem to do more than just freeze your devices, so you don’t have to worry about backdoors or malicious code installed into your iOS devices just yet. All you really need to do to regain control of your iOS device is to do a hard reset. Once done, the device can be used as per normal.

That being said, it is wise to avoid clicking on links sent by people you don’t know. The malicious video is currently hosted on places like vk.com and testtrial.site90.net, so if you’ve received a link that comes from these sites, it would be a good idea to ignore it. 

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