If you are a frequent toll user in the highways of KL, then chances are you may already have own the SmartTAG for a while now, an outdated piece of hardware that occasionally fails you if you happen to drive too fast through the toll plaza, and that failure can sometimes be attributed to heavily tinted glasses, failing sensors or low battery power. Last year, the new Perodua Myvi 1.5 Advance had a built-in toll reader that works pretty well in our tests, and if you want to have that hardware in your car, you can purchase it here.
The built-in toll reader is apparently developed by Toyota, and since it is used on the Myvi, it is a genuine hardware that has been endorsed by Touch n’ Go, the benefit of this toll reader is that it connects directly to your car’s power source, requiring no additional batteries, an antenna module that communicates with the RF reader at the toll booth is connected with the reader, which will be installed to the top of your car’s windscreen’s non-tinted surface for the best sensitivity.
If you don’t mind doing a little DIY on your car, then the built-in toll reader can be yours for RM300, which could save you some trouble in hiding away your precious SmartTAG and avoid unwanted theft.