Home News Google is looking to implement its mobile index in the coming months

Google is looking to implement its mobile index in the coming months

by Sia

Within the coming months, using Googling on your mobile device may give you results that may seem different if you Googled it on a desktop. This will happen because Google is looking to implement a separate mobile index in the next few months.

Google’s Webmaster Trends Analyst Gary Illyes announced at Pubcon that a mobile index will happen within “months”. While no specific dates were given as to when it will launch, Illyes mentioned that this mobile index will be the “primary” index that the search engine uses to respond to queries when it launches. The current desktop index Google uses will still be maintained, but it will be of secondary importance, meaning that it would not be updated as frequently as the upcoming mobile index.

The introduction of a mobile index is something that Google has mentioned in the past before, and is now being put into action. With this mobile index, Google can now run its ranking algorithm in a different fashion across “pure” mobile content. Currently, the ranking algorithm works by extracting data from desktop content to determine mobile rankings.

For now, Google is still keeping mum over how this mobile index will work and how its introduction will affect the state of its desktop index. We expect Google to clarify these problems as the put the finishing touches on its mobile index.

Source: Search Engine Land

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