Home News Gmail can now receive email attachments up to 50MB

Gmail can now receive email attachments up to 50MB

by Reuben

Google has long placed a cap on email attachments. The 25MB limit to email attachments may be alright to some, but most people definitely hope for a larger limit to attachments as the sizes of files and folders increase alongside the content and quality of these files. Google has changed up that feature which might give most of us a certain ease when it comes to email attachments, on the receiving end at least. 

Google has announced that starting today, Gmail users will be able to receive email attachments larger than 25MB, up to 50MB, which is double the previous limit. The company has acknowledged that sometimes users have to receive large files as direct email attachments. Before you rejoice, do bear in mind that the sending size limit still remains at good ol’ 25MB. How is that possible then? Not everyone uses Gmail and certain email services allow users to send files as attachments larger than 25MB, just to clear up the confusion.

That means if you intend to attach a file larger than 25MB on Gmail, you will still need to use Google Drive to share the larger file, which isn’t actually much of a hassle since Google does that part of the job for you. This new feature upgrade might not be as signifcant to the average consumer, but it might just make a huge difference to some out there.

Source: Google

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