After a series of Snapdragon 8 Elite smartphone launches, Samsung has finally announced its next Galaxy Unpacked event where it will unveil Galaxy S25 series of smartphones. In fact, the company has also started a registration of interest at its official website where users can score a RM200 e-voucher to be applied on the purchase of the Galaxy S25 series.
The Galaxy S25 series is expected to boast more and improve Galaxy AI features than before, while we aren’t expecting any significant design changes from last year, we are expecting three models to be launched this time – Galaxy S25, Galaxy S25+ and Galaxy S25 Ultra, while the top of the line ultra is expected to be powered by a Snapdragon 8 Elite for Galaxy chip, it will be interesting to see if Samsung decides to utilize Mediatek’s Dimensity chip on the standard and plus model just like how it did with the Galaxy Tab S10 series last year, otherwise we can probably expect an Exynos powered variant in our region just like last year.
We shouldn’t expect much changes in terms of the Galaxy S25’s cameras as well, but a resolution upgrade on the telephoto cameras would be nice, considering most of the competition are already taking advantage of high resolution telephoto cameras with AI enhancements to deliver sharper telephoto shots.
If you are staying up for the night, make sure to catch Samsung’s Galaxy Unpacked event live streamed at 23 January 2025, 2AM Malaysian Time at the company’s official website, YouTube, Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn.
Meanwhile, if you are looking to purchase the Galaxy S25 series, head here to grab your RM200 e-voucher.