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How does the Samsung Galaxy A55 secure your privacy and data?

by Warren

To most of us, securing our smartphone is as simple as setting a lock screen PIN code and fingerprint authentication, but once someone gets past these authentication methods, your phone can be just as insecure as without any security.

Let’s not forget that even if your phone has been fully reset, there’s still a chance that your phone’s storage can be fully recovered by data recovery centers should someone desires to do.

Therefore, this is where devices like the Samsung Galaxy A55 comes in to secure your data and privacy properly with the Samsung KNOX security platform, which offers a suite of features that protects your data from unauthorized access and attacks.

Secure Folder

If you have sensitive data and apps that you only want to be accessed by yourself, Secure Folder helps you keep those files and apps separate from the main operating system, apps downloaded within the Secure Folder can have a separate account, you can select the only app to be installed on Secure Folder, and finally, all apps and files can be fully encrypted so that no one can transfer anything out of it except with yourself.

Looks convincing as a File Manager eh? But no, this is Secure Folder.

Fun fact, do you know that you can even change the name and icon of Secure Folder?

Secure WiFi

Who doesn’t love connecting to public WiFi networks when you can save some data?

Well, not every public WiFi is safe and your device information can be easily stolen from potential hackers, this is where Secure WiFi comes into play, it encrypts traffic that’s being sent and received on the Galaxy A55 so that hackers can’t sniff your traffic and potentially steal login sessions of apps and services.

Samsung offers up to 1GB of free WiFi data protection and you can sign up for unlimited data protection for just RM8/month, which is really reasonable if you are always on the go and connected to public WiFi networks.

Auto Blocker

Even if you are the most tech literate person, it doesn’t mean that you wouldn’t fall prey to scams, phishing messages and malwares.

The Galaxy A55’s Auto Blocker feature ensures that no malicious apps will be installed on your phone, while it also monitors incoming messages with images, and block USB commands if you accidentally connect to a compromised USB port on a public charger or infected computer.

Wait, aren’t all these just software features?

In short – Yes, they might be software features like you can get on other phones, but the Samsung KNOX platform fortifies your data stronger than any other similar segment smartphones.

All encrypted data and content, including your biometric information, are stored in a separate secure storage on the phone, so even if you decide to sell your phone some day and have it wiped, no one can ever retrieve them in the storage as the data will be destroyed once you reset the phone, this is one thing that no mid-range phones can offer.

Get secured by the Samsung Galaxy A55 today for RM1,999 here.

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