Home News PlayStation VR to be delayed in Malaysia until the 21st of October

PlayStation VR to be delayed in Malaysia until the 21st of October

by Sia

Are you one of many who are eagerly awaiting for the launch of the PlayStation VR? If so, we hate to be te bearer of bad news, as PlayStation Asia has just announced that the VR headset will be delayed until the 21st of October.

The announcement was first made on PlayStation Asia’s Facebook page, with both PS Asia and Sony apologizing for the delay. Needless to say, fans of the device are…disappointed with the announcement.

Neither Sony nor PlayStation has come forward with the reason why the PSVR is delayed as the official reason the headset is delayed is due to “unforeseen circumstances.” However, there are rumours going around that the reason the PSVR is delayed because the device ran into some complications with the SIRIM certification process. On the bright side, the PSVR is delayed for a single week, so while we won’t be getting the device this week, we don’t have to wait too long for it either.

Source: PlayStation Asia Facebook

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