Home News Google's Daydream VR SDK now available for developers

Google's Daydream VR SDK now available for developers

by Sia

With the first of the Daydream VR-ready smartphones due to be out within the next few months, certainly some developers would like to get their hands on the SDK in anticipation of the availability of Google’s own VR platform. Well, these developers will finally have their wish fulfilled, as Google has release its Daydream VR SDK at its developer site today.

Google’s Daydream VR SDK will allow developers to build experiences for Daydream-ready smartphones and headsets on Android. There are three versions of the SDK (Android, Unity and Unreal), allowing developers to pick their poison with regards to which engine they wish to develop for. 

It is probably wise for developers who are interested in developing Daydream-based apps to do so right now if they’re aiming to have their apps ready on launch days. All Daydream-based apps will need to go through the Daydream Access Program. Assuming that Google is personally vetting the Daydream apps that will be available at launch, it is probably wise to start work on your apps today.

Source: Google VR Developer Blog

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