Home Gaming Cyberpunk 2077 delayed yet again until December 10

Cyberpunk 2077 delayed yet again until December 10

by Victor Ng
Cyberpunk 2077 delayed

Mom, it’s happening again! CD Projekt Red (CDPR) has once again called a delay for the release date of their upcoming Cyberpunk 2077 game, pushing it to December 10; this is arguably the most anticipated game of 2020, so the delay is a pretty big deal to gamers.  

 The Polish developers have delayed the launch a few times before, which were met with mostly positive reception – most gamers were happy CD Projekt Red were taking their time to deliver a well-polished game (pun intended?).  

 But the latest setback seems to have ruffled more feathers than the last time – perhaps because the last promised launch date of November 19. Apparently one gamer made sure to check with the developers on Twitter if the game was really launching then, which they confirmed with aplomb; the poor gamer then put in an early day-off request to play the game; he’s now understandably upset as he’s probably wasted a good day off with no new videogame play. 

cyberpunk 2077 early bird deal

Prior to this, news surfaced of CDPR requiring their staff to have six-day work weeks to push the game in time – this of course led to internet folk raising their pitchforks in question of the developer’s practice; the issue was later clarified that it was a decision made by all involved, and not one forced upon CDPR’s employees. 

In any case, it looks like it’ll a lot closer to Christmas, and after the launch of the PlayStation 5 now for the release of Cyberpunk 2077 – which could be all the better as that means holidays for most people including us in Malaysia.  

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